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Botanical Interest - Chiba Green Edamame Organic Seeds

Botanical Interest - Chiba Green Edamame Organic Seeds

SKU: 3178



Edamame has been eaten for centuries in Japan. Traditionally, whole pods are blanched and lightly salted, served in a common bowl to be shared with friends. Also Excellent shelled and added to cold or hot pasta dishes or stir-fries. These young, cholesterol-free soybeans are rich in protein, calcium, iron, fiber, and vitamins A, B, and C. 'Chiba Green' grows large, dark green pods with a high percent of three-bean pods. Earlier to harvest than most, and well adapted for any growing area.


Days to Maturity: 60–70 days

Plant Dimensions: 24"–30" tall, wide

Variety Information: 'Chiba Green' is an early-harvest variety that produces large, dark green pods, a high percentage containing three beans. Beans have a nutty, earthy flavor.

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